Saturday, November 22, 2008

Racism in schools

"It is your responsibility to change society if you think of yourself as an educated person" This is a quote from James Baldwin and it is the best quote I have ever heard. Todays classroom is full of racism and hate, students of color are taunted after school, and when I say color, I mean every color, black, white, hispanic. I think that all it takes is one racist person to bring down an entire community. And by this I mean one student to bring down a classroom, or for that matter one teacher. Everyone thinks that racism will never come to a complete end, as is the same with hunger and violence. I beleive that one person can make a difference, if only one person is to change their thoughts and behaviors towards racism, then that is the beginning to an end. I recently read an article where a teacher had posted pictures in her classroom that portrayed racism in a light where the students thought it was not an option to be racist. Children learn what they see, and most of what they see is at home or in school. I think it is a great idea to hang up posters that teach students to love everyone regardless of color or race.

On a different note, I can admit that I grew up in a racist home, and my father was not one to like white girls to go out with black men, or any man that was not white for that matter, and I am proud to say that I am the opposite and it was from his ignorance that I learned to be this way, I decided at a young age that it was not ok to hate other people because of their race, and I made sure that I was friendly to everyone in school and I teach my daughters the same thing. The point of saying this is because their is no excuse to be racist, not even that you grew up that way, everyone has a mind of their own and the best mind to have is a non racist one! I hope that my daughter treats everyone equal in the classroom becuase it starts with one person to end it all!

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