Friday, September 12, 2008

Not so hard

So, I thought this blogging thing was going to be hard to do, however it was easier then I thought. Actually, alot of things in life are easier then you plan them out to be. I think alot of children and adults for that matter are scared of education, they think it is going to be to hard, that their not smart enough, or any other of the millions of reasons people dont further or even finish their educations. I myself beleive that receiving an education has nothing to do with being smart, it has all to do with what you take out of the experience. That is what education is, an experience.

1 comment:

ed100worster said...

YAY!!! SO GLAD IT WAS NOT TOO HARD. YOUR BLOG IS GREAT AND HAS ALL THE COMPONENTS. LOVE THE PICTURE OF your family (oops sorry about the caps) and your profile. It introduces us to you...awesome.
I will send you via mail your rubric...
aloha and enjoy this whole blog thing!
I agree that education is living and is life and its what it is all about...enjoy the ride!