Friday, September 26, 2008

Is it necessary to ban birthday celebrations?

My daughter turned 7 today, and I bought 18 cupcakes just as I did last year for her to bring to class to share with her classmates in celebration of her birthday. However I was in for a surprise when her teacher informed me that I was not allowed to do so, when I asked why she said to speak with the new principal, so that is what I did. I asked the principal why I was not allowed to supply the class with a yummy treat and her exact words were, " birthdays are meant to be celebrated at home." and " this school promotes healthy snacks, and cupcakes are not healthy." Give me a break, the cupcakes I brought in had 120 calories and 4 g of fat, that is less than what is the fake hot dogs and tator tots that they feed the kids 4 days a week. I am appalled that my child was not able to celebrate with her class, considering she was so looking forward to it. I mean realistically, is a cupcake going to do any damage, the children would have burned off the calories and then some at recess. I just think that there are more serious things to think of then are cupcakes to fattening? and oh no, no no celebrating birthdays in class, kids need to have fun and relax to, children should not have to worry about eating a cupcake, I understand that kids should eat healthy, but if you let them think that cupcakes are bad for you at 7, they will be eating lettuce for dinner by the time they are 12 so they don't gain to much weight. Does anyone agree with me? Would you as a parent have been disappointed this morning? I am disappointed, especially since me and my daughter had to share 18 cupcakes for dinner?

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