Friday, October 3, 2008

Violence in Schools

Violence in schools is scary, especially as a mother of two little girls. I actually found statistics from the National crime victimization survey that showed since 1993 school violence and school homicides have declined, however that shows violence and murders on school grounds, I beleive that alot of violence is now taking place off of school grounds, I myself live in a city that has had 9 shootings in about a weeks timeframe, and most of the shootings involved school age children. How does a 14 year old get a gun? How does a child learn violence such as this? I beleive it is the family structure, gangs grow in families, If a father is in a gang it is natural for him to pass his violent behavior onto his sons or even daughters. I think that teachers and principals do what they can to try to stop and prevent violence and negative activity, however if a child is learning violence from family and friends it is not going to matter what the school does. HOME IS WHERE THE HEART IS,. has anyone heard that phrase? well its true, the heart, the soul, the mind all of it is formed and shaped at home, and then it is built up more at school. No matter how much violence decreases or increases in school, 1 violent act is to much for a child to encounter, I think or shall I say I know that the answer is for the legal system to get tougher on the parents of young students who get into trouble and treat 14 year olds that shoot and murder someone automatically as an adult, until that happens all this pain and violence is going to continue.

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