Friday, October 31, 2008

Discrimination and social justice

I did think to much about this topic as I read the article Rethinkin Schools, I didnt really grasp what the whole social justice thing was. I then did some reearch online and realized that it really hit home, its about equality and fairness and not being prejudice and cruel. There are many schools that still have inequality and prejudice happening everyday, some caused by students and parents and sadly sometimes caused by teachers. This world will never ever EVER be perfect, but as a future teacher I can tell you that with out a doubt ALL teachers should love and accept and nurture ALL students, black, white, smart, poor, rich, clean, dirty, all students should step into their classrooms as equal and they should all be given the same oppurtunities in life. I think sadly that students who have parents involved in the community and schools get more attention then say the students who may live in a foster system and dont have active parents, I find this sad and unfair. I actually see it happen all the time at my daughters school, the same parents and students involved in activities and then the same students left out,

Do you notice any inequality in your childs school
Did you see injustice in your own schools growing u.

I can honestly say that I will be a huge advocate for social justice and equality in my classroom and school and I will be a great role model for all my students starting from this day on.

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