Sunday, September 21, 2008

This is who I am

So, I figured I would post another POST, telling you all a little more of who I am, I am ME,, haha ... on a serious note, I am a mom, a wife, a daughter, a friend, a student, geez,,,, I am alot.. I take pride in all I do, most importantly I am most proud of being a mom to two wonderful little girls that make my life what it is, bright, sunny, and happy. I go to school for myself first, but I also put in a lot of effort to show them that you have to work hard to reach any goals that you set for yourself. I am proud to tell everyone that I have not always been such a go- getter. I was in alot of trouble as a youth and that is why I originally decided to be a criminal justice major, to help at risk youth turn their lives around before it was to late(some people say its never to late, but tell that to the 90 year old homeless man, with no education and a drug addiction!) I got my "stuff" together when I was 18 and had my first daughter, I completed an associates(well, almost,2 more classes:) and then I had a change of heart and came to Salem State instead of Northeastern Univesity(which I worked really hard to get into) I decided to go the route of education, because I chose to have children and I dont beleive leaving them at home with a nanny for 50 hrs a week and that is what a probation job would have entailed, instead I can go to work and see smiling childrens faces all day and be their role model, have the summers off, and be with my children at dinner, also playing at recess is a bug plus!!!!!

1 comment:

ed100worster said...

awesome photo...really appreciating your efforts and hard work and questions. way to go. i changed the grade on your bloggidy :)